Friday, January 8, 2010


Have you ever thought about hope? I don't know if I ever really have before tonight. My quote of the day today comes from the devotional book I have been reading, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. Oh, before I type the quote I should mention that the devotional is written as if Jesus is speaking directly to the reader. In Young's personal daily devotionals she would take time to really listen to what God was saying to her and she wrote what He was saying down. It sounds a little odd at first, but everything is bibically based and has references to the Bible.

"Let your weakness be a door to My Presence. Whenever you feel inadequate, remember that I am your ever-present Help. Hope in Me, and you will be protected from depression and self-pity. Hope is like a golden cord connecting you to heaven. The more you cling to this cord, the more I bear the weight of your burdens;thus you are lightened. Heaviness is not of My Kingdom. Cling to hope, and My rays of Light will reach your through the darkness" (p. 9)

I had never thought about hope in this way. I had never really thought of hope as something powerful. I thought of it more as a verb. I have hoped for things in my life: an A on a test, a white Christmas, a life not to be lost, a better job, etc. But those are are things all things that I can't control by just having hope. With God, it's all different and hope relates to trust. When I have hope through Him, I'm also putting my trust in Him. I'm hoping for Him to be the Comforter, the Provider and with this hope I'm trusting Him with my life. But the thing about having hope in God is that no, I still don't have control over the situation, but God promises if I have hope in Him, He will be there for me. He will protect me and deliver me.