Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Starting over

So this blog originally started at something else, but I've decided to change it. Hence all the posts being deleted. No, I haven't given up on my work-out journey. I just got bored with writing about it. The fact is there was nothing really interesting about it. This blog will be more dedicated to my life, my thoughts, my opinions. It will be me.

Writing is something that I'm very passionate about. It's something that I really love to do. It puts me at peace. It clears my head. But let me be honest... I'm scared to death to put my writing out there to be critized. Not that I care what you think about it, but the fact is that I put my deepest thoughts into my a lot of my writings and it can get very personal for me. And I'm honestly just scared of putting that out there because I feel like once it's out there anybody can use it against me to hurt me.

But I think thats why I want to do this too. To get over that fear. In the great words of Rise Against (my all-time favorite band), I can't spend my life waiting to live.